Abstract Submission

by | Oct 26, 2023

Abstract Submission Information Guide

Thank you so much! We are delighted to have received almost 1,200 abstract submissions with authors from 69 countries.
The committee now have a massive job to review all the submissions. Notifications will be made 11 April 2024.

The Scientific Committee are excited to invite abstract submissions that align with the overarching theme of veterinary epidemiology and economics and demonstrate relevance, significance, and innovation.

The technical program will include lecture and poster sessions under the theme for ISVEE17 2024: Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics down under, in leaps and bounds!

Please complete your abstract submission before 29 February 2024

The ISVEE17 Local Scientific Committee:
Mark Stevenson, Anke Wiethoelter, Jenny-Ann Toribio, Robert Sanson, Liz Parker, Peter Mansell, Emilie Vallee, Beth Cookson.

Presentation Types

Oral Presentation: 15-minute presentation, comprising of a 12-minute platform + 3 minutes for questions.

Digital Poster: Available to view on smartphones, tablets and interactive kiosks provided in the exhibition hall throughout the duration of the Meeting.

Poster Pitch presentation: Invited poster authors will present a 3 minute presentation with 2 minutes for questions. 


Key Dates

Abstract Submission Close  Thursday 29 February 2024
Authors Notified of Acceptance Thursday 18 April 2024
Author Registration  Deadline  Friday 17 May 2024

Symposium Themes

Under the theme “In Leaps and Bounds” the Symposium will cover all aspects of veterinary epidemiology and economics. It is organised under these themes:

Climate Change

Climate change brings many new challenges – food and health security, increased spread of vector borne disease, droughts. How can we better collaborate to address this and what have we learned so far? How are we navigating the rapid responses required as diseases emerge e.g. Japanese encephalitis / lumpy skin disease?

Epidemiologic principles and methods

A strength of previous ISVEE meetings has been dedicated conference themes showcasing a range of epidemiological techniques and their application to the control of animal disease.
This theme will continue this tradition with specific focus on latest developments in disease modelling, multilevel modelling, risk analysis and spatial analysis.

Epidemiology in a socially connected world

The success of approaches to understand and address animal and human health issues ultimately hinges on the human factor and our ability to engage stakeholders. This theme will show how epidemiology and social sciences can successfully interact to improve animal and human health.

Epidemiologic studies in specific species/topics

This theme is a traditional strength of ISVEE, focusing on the application of epidemiological and economic studies applied to different animal species and different animal production systems.

Health Policy and Capacity Building

This theme will explore how our understanding of disease and its control can be successfully translated into policy – a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organisation. Spanning case studies from both developed and developing countries this theme will showcase challenges and success stories.

Improving epidemiology teaching and training

Curriculum design. What do we teach undergraduates? What do we teach postgraduates (MSc, PhD)? How do we teach post grad epidemiology (in US versus European post grad systems).
Tools and tips to make teaching more effective. What level of epi training does a field animal health investigator require?

International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health (ISESSAH)

ISESSAH is partnering with ISVEE17 exploring the field of economics and social sciences to improve animal health and welfare policies, programs, and projects.


One Health, One World, One Planet

One Health is a concept that has been extensively used to describe the practices that support transdisciplinary collaborations involving animal health, human health and the environment. This theme will mark consolidation of the One Health paradigm as an ongoing ISVEE theme.

Preparing for the future

The field of epidemiology is getting wider and wider. Welfare epidemiology, studies including human behaviour and horizon scanning are only a few examples of emerging methodological techniques to help us solve wicked problems. What skill sets and what techniques does an epidemiologist need in their toolbox in 2024?

Role of veterinary epidemiology in pandemic response

What contributions can veterinary epidemiologists make to pandemic response, what have been the lessons learned from COVID-19? How can we capitalise on the increased awareness about our profession? How can we deal with the negatives such as the increasing prevalence of with armchair experts? Are we prepared for the next one?

Veterinary epidemiology between the cracks

Doesn’t fit a major theme – don’t worry. Please share your weird and wonderful work of pushing the boundaries of our profession including unusual application of epidemiological concepts. Ugly / Wicked problems.

When epidemiology meets technology

Technology is shifting the boundaries in the way that we gather, validate, manage and analyse data. This theme will showcase recent advances including for example genomic and digital epidemiology.

General Information

General Policies and Requirements
  • The presenting author will be required to register for the Meeting in order to ensure their abstract(s) is included in the final program. Deadline for presenting author registration is Friday 10 May 2024.
  • All submissions must be completed electronically via the online submission facility. If you are unable to submit in this manner, please contact the Meeting Managers at isvee17@arinexgroup.com for further information.
  • All abstracts must be prepared according to the guidelines provided. Abstracts will only be accepted if submitted within the format and layout guidelines.
  • Please note, submitted abstracts will be blind reviewed. Therefore information that identifies authorship (for example, the names of particular institutions or programs) should not be included in the text submitted.
  • There is no limit to the number of abstracts that may be submitted by an individual. However, splitting of a body of work into multiple abstracts is discouraged and consolidation into one abstract is preferred.
  • Authors are required to acknowledge that by submitting an abstract, permission is automatically given for the abstract (if approved) to be made available on the website and via the app, and possibly published more broadly.
  • At the discretion of the Discipline Convenors and the Scientific Committee, a maximum of two abstracts may be accepted into the scientific program where there is the same lead author.
Abstract Format
  • Title: The title should be concise and clearly reflect the content of your abstract. Use a font size and style that is consistent with the conference guidelines.
  • Introduction: Provide a brief introduction that outlines the background and context of your research or study. Clearly state the research question or objective.
  • Methods: Describe the methods and techniques used in your research. Explain how you conducted the study, collected data, and analysed it. Be concise but provide enough detail for reviewers to understand your approach
  • Results: Present the key findings of your research. Use graphs, tables, or other visual aids if applicable and allowed by the conference guidelines . Highlight the most important results and their significance.
  • Discussion: Interpret the results and discuss their implications. Explain how your findings contribute to the field or address the research question. Discuss any limitations of your study.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main conclusions of your research. State the practical or theoretical implications of your work.
Abstract Requirements
  • Abstracts must not exceed a 300-word limit. The word limit relates only to the text of the abstract and does not include title, authors and institutions.
  • Use single line spacing.
  • Tables, figures or images are permitted.
  • Abstracts must be free of typographical and grammatical errors.
  • Standard abbreviations may be used for common terms only. Otherwise, any abbreviation should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract.
  • You will be asked to provide a short biography (up to 150 words) with your submission.
  • You will be asked to nominate your preference for digital poster or oral presentation.
  • Please include degrees or professional titles (e.g. Dr, Prof., etc).
  • It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the title, author and affiliation details entered in the paper submission site are correct and exactly as they should be published on the abstract and all Meeting materials.
Notification of Acceptance

The ISVEE17 International Scientific Committee will review all submitted abstracts and assess them in relation to quality and relevance to the Meeting themes. Notifications of acceptance will be sent via email to the submitting author on Thursday 11 April 2024. Abstracts submitted for oral presentations that cannot be accommodated within the program will be considered and reviewed for potential acceptance as a digital poster.

Where an abstract for a paper is accepted, revisions or changes of emphasis to match the Meeting discipline may be requested as there will be an opportunity to submit an extended abstract or full paper to relevant journals directly. 

The Meeting Managers will not be held responsible for abstract submissions not received via the website or for submission errors caused by internet service outages, hardware or software delays, power outages or unforeseen events.