Our Symposium is dedicated to bringing together more than 600 global leaders, practitioners and students in veterinary epidemiology and economics, to discuss and share information on our changing environment, current and future challenges and how we can apply our skills to improve tomorrow.
In particular, ISVEE17 will offer participants from all around the world the opportunity to reconnect face-to-face, sharing cutting edge research findings, and build and considerate networks in the world class facilities of the International Convention Centre in the stunning world city of Sydney. This will be enhanced by a wide range of pre- and post-Symposium workshops presented by world-leading experts.
The Symposium provides a number of Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities to suit your organisation’s requirements and objectives, with great benefits. We will also offer you the ability to customise/tailor your preferred package to meet your specific marketing and budgetary requirements.
On behalf of the Organising Committee, we look forward to welcoming you as a valued Partner, Sponsor or Exhibitor at ISVEE17 in 2024 in Sydney.
Michael Ward
Chair, ISVEE17 Local Organising Committee
Marta Hernandez-Jover
Symposium Co-Chair

Facts and Benefits
- Expecting 600+ attendees from across the world from a range of sectors (academia, governments, non-government organisations, industry, practice).
- Showcase your organisations products and services to a targeted group of delegates.
- Strengthen your brand awareness with current and potential future clients.
- Demonstrate your leadership, support and commitment to the advancement of knowledge in the veterinary and animal science and public health industries
Previous Symposia
Available recorded attendance data from previous symposiums.
ISVEE16 Attendance – 2022 Halifax, Canada
ISVEE15 Attendance – 2018 Chiang Mai, Thailand
ISVEE14 Attendance – 2015 Merida, Mexico
ISVEE13 2012 Attendance – Maastricht, Netherlands
ISVEE12 Attendance – 2009 Durban, South Africa
ISVEE11 Attendance – 2006 Cairns, Australia
Symposium Themes
Under the theme “In Leaps and Bounds” the Symposium will cover all aspects of veterinary epidemiology and economics. It is organised under these themes:
Epidemiologic principles and methods
A strength of previous ISVEE meetings has been dedicated conference themes showcasing a range of epidemiological techniques and their application to the control of animal disease.
This theme will continue this tradition with specific focus on latest developments in disease modelling, multilevel modelling, risk analysis and spatial analysis.
Veterinary epidemiology between the cracks
Doesn’t fit a major theme – don’t worry. Please share your weird and wonderful work of pushing the boundaries of our profession including unusual application of epidemiological concepts. Ugly / Wicked problems.
Health policy and capacity building
This theme will explore how our understanding of disease and its control can be successfully translated into policy – a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organisation. Spanning case studies from both developed and developing countries this theme will showcase challenges and success stories.
When epidemiology meets technology
Technology is shifting the boundaries in the way that we gather, validate, manage and analyse data. This theme will showcase recent advances including for example genomic and digital epidemiology.
Climate Change
Climate change brings many new challenges – food and health security, increased spread of vector borne disease, droughts. How can we better collaborate to address this and what have we learned so far? How are we navigating the rapid responses required as diseases emerge e.g. Japanese encephalitis / lumpy skin disease?
Epidemiology in a socially connected world
The success of approaches to understand and address animal and human health issues ultimately hinges on the human factor and our ability to engage stakeholders. This theme will show how epidemiology and social sciences can successfully interact to improve animal and human health.
Role of veterinary epidemiology in pandemic response
What contributions can veterinary epidemiologists make to pandemic response, what have been the lessons learned from COVID-19? How can we capitalise on the increased awareness about our profession? How can we deal with the negatives such as the increasing prevalence of with armchair experts? Are we prepared for the next one?
Preparing for the future
The field of epidemiology is getting wider and wider. Welfare epidemiology, studies including human behaviour and horizon scanning are only a few examples of emerging methodological techniques to help us solve wicked problems. What skill sets and what techniques does an epidemiologist need in their toolbox in 2024?
Improving epidemiology teaching and training
Curriculum design. What do we teach undergraduates? What do we teach postgraduates (MSc, PhD)? How do we teach post grad epidemiology (in US versus European post grad systems).
Tools and tips to make teaching more effective. What level of epi training does a field animal health investigator require?
One Health, One World, One Planet
One Health is a concept that has been extensively used to describe the practices that support transdisciplinary collaborations involving animal health, human health and the environment. This theme will mark consolidation of the One Health paradigm as an ongoing ISVEE theme.
Epidemiologic studies in specific species/topics
This theme is a traditional strength of ISVEE, focusing on the application of epidemiological and economic studies applied to different animal species and different animal production systems.
Special Session
International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health (ISESSAH)
Delegate Profile
ISVEE is a global forum for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, junior and senior investigators as well as health policymakers to exchange information that can advance the fields of veterinary epidemiology and economics, and related disciplines in the health and social sciences. ISVEE provides a unique opportunity for experts in many disciplines to discuss, learn and propose solutions for a healthy world.
As a global forum for interdisciplinary collaboration and communication we aspire to create an environment to learn and share with a vision of building a better future for veterinary epidemiology at the local, regional and international levels.

Sponsorship at a glance
Major Sponsorship Summary
Major Sponsorship Packages Preview
Platinum Sponsor $45,000
(incl. GST) | Exclusive
- Recognition as a major sponsor on the home page of the official Symposium website including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home page
- Six (6) Symposium delegate registrations inclusive of all social functions
- Three (3) 3m x 3m exhibition booths located in a prominent position
- Three (3) Exhibitor Registrations inclusive of social functions
- 200-word profile in the Symposium App
- Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in the Symposium App.
- Delegate list provided two weeks prior to and post Symposium subject to consent and privacy laws
- Promotional brochure/ video (maximum four x A4 pages per brochure) to be available electronically through the official Symposium website or App (sponsor to supply digital material)
Note: content must be approved by the Organising Committee
- Verbal acknowledgement as the Platinum Sponsor during the opening and closing sessions
- The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which will be positioned in the Plenary Room/Registration Area of the Symposium (maximum size 2m high x 1m wide)
- Sponsor may provide delegates with a branded gift (sponsor to supply gifts)
- Use of the Symposium logo until the end of November 2024.
Gold Sponsor $30,000
(incl.GST ) | Limited
- Recognition as a major sponsor on the home page of the official Symposium website including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home page
- Four (4) Symposium delegate registrations inclusive of all social functions
- Two (2) 3m x 3m exhibition booth located in a prominent position
- Two (2) exhibitor registration inclusive of social functions
- 150 word profile in the Symposium App
- Delegate list provided one week prior to and post Symposium subject to consent and privacy laws
- Promotional brochure/ video (maximum four x A4 pages per brochure) to be available electronically through the official Symposium website or App (sponsor to supply digital material)
Note: content must be approved by the Organising Committee
- Verbal acknowledgement as the/a Gold Sponsor during the opening and closing sessions
- Sponsor may provide delegates with a branded gift (sponsor to supply gifts)
- Use of the Symposium logo until the end of November 2024.
Silver Sponsor $20,000
(incl. GST) | Limited
- Recognition as a major sponsor on the home page of the official ISVEE17 website including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home page
- Three (3) Symposium delegate registrations inclusive of all social functions
- One (1) 3m x 3m exhibition booth located in a prominent position within the exhibition
- Two (2) exhibitor registration inclusive of social functions
- 100 word profile in the Symposium App
- Delegate list provided onsite and post Symposium subject to consent privacy laws
- Use of the Symposium logo until the end of November 2024.
Bronze Sponsor $15,000
(incl. GST) | Limited
- Recognition as a major sponsor on the home page of the official ISVEE17 including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home page
- Two (2) Symposium delegate registration inclusive of all social functions
- One (1) 3m x 3m exhibition booth located in a prominent position within the exhibition
- Two (2) exhibitor registration inclusive of social functions
- 50 word profile in the Symposium App
- Delegate list provided onsite and post Symposium subject to consent and privacy laws
- Use of the Symposium logo until the end of November 2024.
Networking Sponsorship Opportunities
Symposium Dinner Sponsor $15,000
(incl. GST) | Exclusive
- The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which will be positioned at the entrance to the Symposium Dinner venue (maximum size 2m high x 1m wide)
- Small table signs featuring the organisation name and logo displayed on the tables at the Symposium Dinner (Symposium Managers to supply)
- Opportunity for organisation representative to present a five (5) minute speech at the function (basic audio visual will be provided – additional audio visual is at the
expense of the sponsor)
- Organisation logo will be printed on all dinner programs/menu and tickets
- Sponsor may provide the Symposium Dinner guests with a branded gift (sponsor to supply gifts). Note: Subject to the approval of the Organising Committee.
- 100 word profile in the Symposium App
- Six (6) tickets for the sponsor’s nominated guests to attend the Symposium Dinner
- Reserved table for sponsor to invite guests to be seated with them. Note: all guests must have a ticket to the function, whether offered from the above allocation or additional tickets are purchased.
- Opportunity for sponsor to provide branded materials such as napkins for use by guests during the function. We welcome your ideas to provide additional theming for the function, subject to the approval of the Organising Committee.
Welcome Reception Sponsor $8,000
(incl.GST ) | SOLD
- Naming rights in conjunction with ISVEE17 to the Welcome Reception.
- The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which will be positioned at the entrance to the Welcome reception venue (maximum size 2m high x 1m wide)
- Small table signs featuring the organisation name and logo displayed on the tables at the Welcome Reception (Symposium Managers to supply)
- 100 word profile in the Symposium App
- Opportunity to provide product to be served during the Welcome Reception (subject to approval by the Symposium Manager and Venue)**
- Two (2) tickets for the sponsor’s nominated guests to attend the Welcome Reception
Networking Lounge $8,000
(incl. GST) | Exclusive
An excellent opportunity to create your own corporate hub within the exhibition area to host delegates and reinforce your presence.:
- Opportunity to theme the Networking Lounge to your own corporate branding (cost borne by sponsor)
- The sponsor may provide two (2) freestanding banners which will be positioned in the Lounge (maximum size 2m high x 1m wide)
- Basic café style furniture included, e.g. lounge, tables
- Opportunity to have two (2) company representatives to network within the lounge
- Corporate literature may be displayed in the lounge (sponsor to supply, subject to approval of the Organising Committee)
- 50 word profile in the Symposium App
Lunch Break Sponsor $5,000
(incl. GST) | Limited
- Verbal recognition by the session Chair prior to the refreshment break
- Corporate literature may be displayed at the sponsored catering break station (sponsor to supply)
- The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which will be positioned in a prominent location in the break area (maximum size 2m high x 1m wide)
- Small table signs featuring the sponsor name and logo displayed at the sponsored lunch stations (Congress Managers to supply)
- Two (2) passes for nominated guests to attend the lunch (these passes are for the sponsored lunch only, attendance to other sessions and catering breaks is not included)
- Opportunity to provide product to be served during the sponsored catering break (subject to approval by the Symposium Manager and Venue)***
- 50 word profile in the Symposium App
We welcome your ideas to provide additional theming for the sponsored break, subject to the approval of the Organising Committee
Breakfast Session Sponsor $5,000
(incl. GST) | Limited
- 30 minutes
- Includes room hire, basic audio-visual equipment & lunch (part of Symposium catering)
- All other expenses including speaker costs & additional catering to be borne by the sponsor
- Two (2) sponsor day-registrations (includes access to all sessions & catering on sponsored day only)
- Opportunity for sponsor organisation to nominate presenter(s) and topic (subject to final approval of the organising committee)
- Nominated presenter(s) and topic must be advised no later than 3 months prior to event date. Late seminar information can result in delayed marketing and decreased attendance
- The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which will be positioned in a prominent location during the sponsored session (maximum size 2m high x 1m wide)
- 50-word profile in the Symposium App
- Inclusion of session in delegate registration form (subject to registration deadlines)
In-Program Sponsorship Opportunities
Industry Workshops $5,000
(incl. GST) | Limited
(In-program or during Lunch)
- 45 minutes & approximate capacity 230 pax
Includes room hire, basic audio-visual equipment & lunch (part of Symposium catering) - All other expenses including speaker costs & additional catering to be borne by the sponsor
- Freestanding banner (max. size 2m high x 1m wide provided by sponsor) displayed in workshop room
- Recognition in Symposium program (subject to production deadlines)
- Sponsor logo acknowledgment on holding slide for the workshop
- Sponsor logo acknowledgment in marketing emails related to the program
*Please note: Any food or beverage costs, speaker costs, room set-up charges or additional audio visual will be at the expense of the sponsor.
Student Bursary $3,000
(incl.GST ) | Limited
- The Student Bursary will assist an Awardee by assisting with the cost of attending the meeting and will be offered to participants whose abstracts have been accepted for presentation. Applications will be submitted via the abstract submission portal when submitting an abstract for presentation.
Funds will be provided to the award recipients at the Symposium venue to cover registration and assist with travel costs.
- Sponsor logo and website link to appear on Symposium website on the relevant page
- Two minute speech at Welcome Reception to introduce nominated person to Symposium
- 50 word profile in the Symposium app
Scientific Poster Sponsor $3,000
(incl. GST) | Limited
This digital poster board will display in a prominent position at the Symposium and will be a daily reference point for all delegates containing all Symposium posters
- Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in all Symposium marketing including the Conference App
- Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsor’s page of the official Conference website, including a hyperlink to your organisation’s home page
- 50-word profile in the Conference App
- Sponsor logo to be displayed on the main page of digital poster screens and on screen saver of digital poster board
Brand Sponsorship Opportunities
Symposium App Sponsor $10,000
(incl. GST) | Exclusive
eMobilise is a cross platform application and works on all major platforms (Apple iPhone, Android, Blackberry and Microsoft Mobile).
eMobilise has been developed to enhance the delegate’s experience through being more engaged, improved networking and smarter interaction with the Symposium Program, and our valued sponsors and exhibitors. For the sponsor, eMobilise offers unique technology with which to position your brand on each delegate’s smart technology device and deliver your message direct to the palm of their hand.
- Sponsor logo displayed when eMobilise® loads up for the first time for a user
- Sponsor logo displayed on the homepage of eMobilise®
- Sponsor of eMobilise® will be acknowledged at the top of the sponsors’ page in the app
- Sponsor logo to be featured on all eMobilise® promotional materials such as the instructional sheet
- Opportunity for sponsor to provide promotional PDF material to be linked to eMobilise®
- Opportunity for sponsor to feature hyperlink or QR code for eMobilise® on their own website
- Sponsor advertisement banner to be displayed at bottom of eMobilise® app
Coffee Cart Sponsor $8,500
(incl.GST ) | Exclusive
- Opportunity to provide branded take away cups or serviettes (sponsor to supply materials)
- Opportunity to display a free-standing banner (maximum size 2m high x 1m wide) next to the coffee cart
- Sponsor’s logo will appear on a sign which will be placed at the coffee cart (signage to be supplied by the Symposium Managers)
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials at the coffee cart (sponsor will be provided with a brochure holder to display promotional material)
- Opportunity to supply a branded t-shirt or apron for the barista to wear
- Coffee cart to be positioned in a common area of the Symposium where the service is available to all delegates including sponsors, exhibitors and speakers (i.e. coffee cart is not to be positioned on a sponsor’s exhibition booth but may be located next to their booth)
- Please note: the cost of consumables (coffee, tea, milk etc) is additional to the sponsorship cost and will be at the Coffee Cart Sponsor’s cost.
Lanyard Sponsor $5,000
(incl. GST) | Exclusive
- Sponsor logo to appear on all lanyard alongside the ISVEE17 logo
- 50 word profile in the Symposium App
Advertising Opportunities
These following cost-effective advertising opportunities are the perfect mediums to communicate your corporate message, products and services. All insert items must be approved by the Symposium Managers.
Single eBlast Advert
Single eBlast Banner Advert A$2,000
incl. GST
- Opportunity to include a banner advert in an official Symposium marketing email to the Symposium database including hyperlink to sponsor’s website. (Sponsor to provide banner content)
Symposium App Placement
Symposium App Placement A$600
incl. GST
- Acknowledgement on the Symposium App as a Media Partner
- 50-word notification sent on each day of the Symposium

Symposium Managers
Arinex Pty Ltd has been appointed as the official Professional Symposium Organiser and looks forward to delivering an inspiring experience.
Tel: + 61 2 9265 0700
Email: sponsorship@arinex.com.au
Sponsorship Application
To secure a Sponsorship package or Exhibition space, please complete the ‘Booking Form’ and a tax invoice will then be forwarded to you for payment of a non-refundable 50% deposit. Sponsorship will not be confirmed until the deposit has been paid. Settlement of all outstanding monies is required no later than 4 months after payment of deposit or 3 months prior to the event, whichever is earlier. If payment is not received within this timeframe Arinex Pty Ltd reserves the right to re-sell your package.
Sponsor and Exhibitor Guidelines
* Exposure in the Symposium publications is determined by confirmation of sponsorship prior to print deadlines. To maximise exposure, please confirm your participation by the earliest date possible.
** The delegate list will exclude any delegates who have withheld permission to publish their details in accordance with the Australian Privacy Act.
*** Venue surcharge to serve sponsor’s product will be an additional cost to the sponsor. Please note all food sampling is subject to approval by the Congress Manager, and the venue.
**** Banner advertisement specifications will be provided after the confirmation of booking.